Changes are constant


To be honest i dont have enough time, its 23:23 and ive to write this whole blog before it midnight!!

Should i draw now?? (why am i still wasting time writing everything that im thinking)

Later is Never

Okay, So to wrap things fast.
This whole year was literally a movie that i had not planned on to watch, and by the time i thought it was the intermission, it was actually done. So yeah, if you are not doing it now, it never.

Make mistakes faster

Mistakes are inevitable, so how you get around them??
Well you dont! you just have to make them fast and learn.

Comfort will not help

Robin said something really great,
It dont remember it quite correctly (not because im running out of time, but its been a while since i have watched HIMYM, it really good. You should watch it once. Why am i wrting this out. I dont have much time left.) Yeah she says,
Just because the future is scary you should not go to the past, and yes. Maybe being scared by the fact that its actually a little risky might convey the fact that you are on to something important. (also said by someone in the show, i dont know who just watch the damn show, also why am i still typing what im thinking..)

So yeah, have fun and happy new year.

and yeah, the time now is 23:58, and yes i use VIM.