The fifth


You might know we are surrounded by 4 fundamental forces,
Cause if not, Watch you steps when you get up kids, cause im about to drop some knowledge.


Yes, The one which causes objects to fall towards the ground.

Isaac Newton in a parallel universe

Also, gravity was never know.

The weak force

This one is responsible for particle decay, didnt get it?
Allow me to explain.

You see Carbon 14 has 6 protons and 8 neutrons, One of this neutron is decayed into a proton resulting in Nitrogen 14 with 7 protons and 7 neutrons.

This decay happens at a certain time allowing us to know how old is that stinky fish!

Electromagnetic force

The chances of you being fooled by someone pretending to do some sort of magic to lift up paper pieces are way higher than your height

Well allow me to introduce the real magician

Charged particles interact with each other through the electromagnetic force, which can either attract particles with opposite charges or repel particles with like charges

Strong nuclear force

this force is strong! like really really, REALLY strong!
say how strong?

well about 6000 trillion trillion trillion times stronger than that of gravity (according to sources)
But, there is a catch.

Its only when the two objects are really really, REALLY close to each other
say how close?

Well about 10^(-15) meters

So is that all?

Ahh, For me, Nope.
You see i feel as if theres one more force that should be up on that list and that force is



Force is defined as,
Cause something to move unless otherwise held in place and seems like I had a little deeper understanding of what this force is, I might be wrong for many but...

Its like, love is like a power you behold to do things you have never done before.

Truly extraordinary things.

To put it in an amazing analogy would be to think you are setting up the most amazing constellations at the night sky for a certain someone even though they might be waking up only at the morning sky