The Recipe


At times my train of thoughts can take me places.
This one starts off with a coffee cup and stops at a divine question.

So coffee, What are the things we need?
Milk, Coffee Powder, Sugar and ...
Oh yeah the urge to have it once you are done making it.

funny story! I had my exam the other day.
10 marks, 20 mins and i ended up spending 17 mins finding which class i have been allotted for the exam

Now if we were to map these things accordingly, we would get something like this

Thats certain! Why would you need an isotope of uranium in your coffee. Rest all could vary accordingly to one who wants it.


now, instead of coffee, think of our existence think of all those who had put in one (or more) key ingredient in this grand calculus of human knowledge.

Nikola Tesla - Alternating Current
Srinivasa Ramanujan - Mathematician
Tim Berners-Lee - Inventor of the World Wide Web

Are just a few to name...


Well, the question is, What recipe are we cooking?
or to put it in words you might be familiar to would be


I feel that, rather than finding one correct answer, we should try to find the one we are happy to hear.
Luckily for me i found it in a physics class

For some reason, this 2nd law of motion came up to me as something more fun.

LIFE = rate of change of purpose w.r.t time

Maybe your purpose for now is to read this blog,
sometime later could be to find something to eat,
and maybe even later could be to go back to thing that interests you.